

Preparation Services

  • Tax Consultation – Individual and Business
  • Tax Preparation & Electronic Filing

Analysis and Planning

  • Social Security Analysis & Strategic Planning
  • Benefits & Pension Matters & Planning

Business Entity- Planning

  • Business Entities
  • Financial Matters & Planning
  • Personal & Business Planning

Tax Planning

For most Americans, taxes are only a topic of importance for a few  months out of the year. Contrary to popular belief, being tax-savvy 365 days a year is much less “taxing” than you might think. In fact, for people with larger incomes who generally pay much more in taxes than the average American, tax planning is crucial to lowering your tax liabilities and ensuring you don’t pay more than you are absolutely required to by law. Let Al Mitchell Consulting partner with you to develop a long term tax strategy.

Building Your business Entity

One of the first steps in starting a business or investing is choosing the right entity structure. With so many choices and so much misguided information online you want to take your time. Choosing the wrong entity in starting a business can cost you thousands in taxes and potentially losses of assets.

Our Advisors guide clients through the decision process when it comes to choosing the right entity for your situation. Our Advisors and Attorneys have helped thousands of investors and small business owners in making the right decision about which of these entities to form.

Whether you’re a business owner, investor, officer you want to get the best advantages from your business structure.

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